
Limbaugh: Obama Can't Fill "Black Panther Stadium" - "Doesn't Have Slave Blood"

The Ghost of a Flea9/05/2012 1:58:53 pm PDT

Freepers Excited About Prospects Of New Civil War, Yet Again

…they are ever vigilant for the first glimmer of a chance to actually refresh the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants, or at least to talk about what they’ll do for sure when SHTF, which they are totally ready for. Heck, their bloodthirsty desire for serious concern about a second Civil War is so deep that FR even uses a “CW2″ tag so readers can keep track of the many posts on the topic. The latest addition to the ouvre is “When The Music Stops — How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence,” by one Matt Bracken, which originally ran on the Western Rifle Shooters Assn. blog. Mr. Bracken is also the author of the “Enemies Foreign And Domestic” trilogy of novels, which is, surprisingly, self-published, and which absolutely does not simply scream “Turner Diaries fanfic.”

Mr. Bracken believes that the coming Troubles will be ignited when “a cascading economic crisis, even a temporary one, leads to millions of EBT (electronic benefit transfer) cards flashing nothing but zeroes” and/or the supermarkets stop accepting the worthless funds that are not backed up by gold or something. (The details of how the economy would collapse to this degree are not important, because he wants to move along to the rioting).

Then, once the minorities find that they can’t get food with their food stamps, they will go on a looting rampage, like they do. Again, never mind that not quite half of food stamp recipients are white, or that 41% of families using the program also have some employment income — those are minor distractions that get in the way of the fun tactical narrative about urban warfare that Mr. Bracken would like to focus on, thank you. Once The Blacks (Bracken prefers the military-thriller-sounding acronym “MUY” — “Minority Urban Youths”) have looted all the grocery and convenience stores and there’s no more food, then “A single truck loaded with food or gasoline would be perceived to be a Fort Knox on wheels and subject to immediate attack” — yes, you should now be thinking of Reginald Denny during the LA Riots! Also, Mr. Bracken would like you to know that he is Not Being Racist, Just Being A Realist Who Recognizes The Harsh Realities:

If you keep going on the article, you get excerpts, which amount to a fantasy about gunning down rioting minorities who will, of course, be disorganized and primitive and thus incapable of withstanding assault by prepared white armed individuals standing their ground. Including the charming acronyms Suburban Armed Vigilantes and Minority Urban Youth.

Racist gun porn. That’s exactly what it is.