
Defining "Creationism" Down

Teh Flowah2/24/2009 4:42:43 pm PST

re: #863 Teh Flowah

I amend my previous assertion that the creationism issue doesn’t noticeably hurt Republicans to say that it doesn’t hurt in an easily quantifiable way. Undoubtedly, because the majority of Democrats and even more independents reject creationism in lieu of evolution, it doesn’t really help draw in that pool of available voters.

However, it’s hard to quantify how much the issue of creationism and intelligent design propels idiot voters to the voting booth on election day. Unfortunately, a great deal of Republicans ARE single issue voters. Think, abortion, gay marriage, creationism. I suppose if you believe abortion to be murder, it’s hard to vote for someone who condones what you see to be murder. I’m sure that the other single issues are similarly rationalized.

However, because of this, the Religious Right does show up to vote based on these rather silly issues, and they do vote Republican. So in the end, the win:loss numbers are hard to figure out.

Which is why I said previously that as a party, the Republicans should reject this ends justifies the means numbers approach to voters, and reject creationism as an accepted plank of their party platform simply because it’s backwards.