
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

Salamantis4/20/2009 4:44:42 pm PDT

re: #825 Alouette

So why do they hate Jews?

Some Communists hate Jews; others do not. The antisemitic tendency was a holdover from Czarist Russia (it was the Czarist secret police who actually wrote the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, so they could use that forged fraud to justify anti-Jewish pograms before the advent of Communism in Russia), fueled by an antisemitism that the Russian Orthodox Church shared with the Roman Catholic Church, until they publicly repudiated it, post-WW II.

Remember that the author of Communism, Karl Marx, was himself Jewish, as was Leon Trotsky, and many other influential early Communists. Lenin (after his Bolsheviks defeated Trotsky’s Mensheviks for control of the new Communist state), and Stalin following him, chose the Russian peoples’ historic antisemitic tendencies over the universality of the doctrine and the Jewishness of its author. In doing so, they themselves demonstrated Fascist (racist) tendencies.