
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

ladycatnip2/13/2009 8:58:38 pm PST

#788 Afrocity

No, it is not false. When voters realize what the outcome of a states electoral votes will be, they don’t vote. It also encourages voter fraud. I know of at least 10 people from Chicago who voted in Florida, 4 that voted in Ohio, 37 i counted them) who voted in Indiana. In one case this person got a PO box in Florida and voted absentee. Why? Illinois does not need their Obama vote so give it to him somplace where he does need it. My ex roommate who lived in New York voted in North Carolina- a battle ground state, she used her friends address.

The left is delirious over winning at any cost, including voter fraud - after all, they claim Bush stole the election twice, so payback is fair play. As far as Minnesota goes, our little dead friend, Joseph Stalin, said it best:

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.