
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

zeebeach5/19/2009 5:13:38 am PDT

Charles, in my opinion (I know, you don’t care), a person is not a “Creationist” by virtue of their willingness to have the “theory” taught in schools. I’ve said that I do not believe creationism should be presented in science classes. Having said that, if any state determines that they will present creationism in that setting, so be it. I have far more faith in the intelligence of our youth than you do. Twelve years of catholic school for two children only confirms my faith. One is approaching a masters degree in biomedical engineering. I assure you she is not a “creationist”, though that was certainly presented to her. She rejected that at the age of 11, all on her own (imagine that!). Her sister rejected it two years later (also at the age of 11), though there were some raging battles in the house in those two years. I stayed out of the fight, believing they must develop their own beliefs. I won’t legislate what ideas they are exposed to, or entertain.