
Overnight Open Thread

torrentprime3/05/2010 10:48:30 am PST

re: #871 Aceofwhat?

no, he is referring to the process by which their ATTEMPT to hold the referendum was denied by the DC court, to which he appropriately (*insert liberal gasp here*) deferred. that is what i meant. the process of their referendum being denied was legal and he will not intervene.

see? it’s all good. he deferred to the DC court.

Result-based jurisprudence? Scalia wouldn’t approve…

You’ve completely skipped the “legal force” part of the opinion, which was of course the entire post I made in the first place, which is what you wanted backup on. Right now, you’ve fallen back from “what’s wrong with the opinion” to “well, you got what you wanted and we can ignore your post about the troubling dicta as long as we ignore the troubling dicta.” Tidy, but not dispositive.