
Defining "Creationism" Down

fish2/24/2009 4:48:12 pm PST

OK One last time:

1) YES I understand that Evolution is a real and proven fact.
2) YES I understand that the DI is pushing an agenda.
3) NO I do not want any hint of religion taught in science class.
4) YES If a teacher can supply documented evidence that a theory (ANY THEORY) is incorrect (or possibly incorrect)I want them to be able to share that evidence.
5) I still like the Jindal law. The Controversial topics listed in the law that are not evolution may have been put in as “red herrings” but that are just as much a part of the law now as evolution. And an alternative viewpoint from most text books is needed on many issues.
6) Lastly can anyone provide evidence that the Jindal Law has actually allowed Creationism and man walked the earth with dinosaurs to be taught in a public classroom and not stopped by a parents group, lawyer or court as soon as it was discovered?