
Anti-Abortion Activist: 'Abortions Should Be Done in the Public Square'

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/21/2009 11:44:32 pm PDT

re: #793 Salamantis

My position is that elective abortions should be permitted without exception during the first trimester (plenty of time to become aware of the pregnancy and to make and carry out a decision), that they should be permitted in cases of rape or incest up until fetal viability (mid second trimester), and that after fetal viability they should only be permitted if the woman’s life is in danger, if her physical health could suffer permanent impairment (blindness, paralysis, coma, stroke, heart attack, stroke, renal failure leading to the necessity for ongoing kidney dialysis, etc.).

The reason I would giver victins of rape or incest the additional time has to do with another story I have told here before.

A 14 year old girl complained of nausea in middle school near here, and was sent to the school nurse, who discovered that she was pregnant and suffering from morning sickness.

She had been repeatedly raped by her drunken fundamentalist stepfather. He was arrested and jailed for incest and child molestation, and she was removed fom the home and placed in foster care. From his jail cell, he denied her permission to obtain an abortion, claiming that the pregnancy was God’s just and righteous retribution for ‘their’ sin (her mother had long since left for parts unknown). She was appointed a child advocate, went to court, and received judicial permission to have the procedure despite her father’s objections. But they still couldn’t force him to pay for it, and being 14 years old and basically penniless, she lacked the ability to pay for it herself.

A friend of mine found out about this situation, told me about it, and each of us covered half the costs (the doctor generously performed the procedure for a reduced rate – his own expenses). I still consider it to be the most decent and humane charity I have ever funded.

I am willing to allot the extra time in such cases because the circumstances require the girls concerned to obtain legal permission and to raise the necessary fees, and this takes time.

This was an up and up mensch move. I am deeply impressed. You did good.