
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

Mad Prophet Ludwig1/30/2010 8:37:35 pm PST

re: #852 Walter L. Newton

See my re: #840 Walter L. Newton… science question.

Walter a thinker and not a linker… What BS are you talking about… repeat your insipd question.. I am sure your juvenile gotcha will have nothing to do with anything. If you want to go on about Hdcrut 3 you will need to be a lot more specific.

As I pointed out the last time you embarrassed yourself with your nonsense, that was a very old model. Grid sizes have shrunk with computer power. We can do a lot better than grids the size of Nevada these days. Further the temperature data that goes in is the same when any model hindcasts.

In other words you are bitching about an old and superseeded model in a way that makes no particular sense, and even if it did, your objections are 30 years moot.