
Live Video: Obama Speaks on Iraq

SanFranciscoZionist8/31/2010 8:09:12 pm PDT

re: #865 elbruce

Oh, me too. Ice-up-the-spine freakout time. For a week I hid under my bed whenever I heard a military plane fly over. And that’s in Oregon, which I knew damn well had no chance of being a target.

Once I realized what was going on, I wondered if I should go to work. Then I remembered talking to my landlady in London’s mom, who told me about going to work every morning during the Blitz, even though sometimes you sort of had to guess where the bus was going to be if the neighborhood had shifted a bit under bombardment. So I figured I shouldn’t be an asshole, and I went to work.

Downtown San Francisco was interesting in those weeks. Besides the fact that some of the brokers at my firm had lost people they knew, everyone started looking up. Not just when planes went over. You’d see people standing in the street, just looking up. Most downtown people don’t comprehend ‘up’ as a direction unless they’re in elevators.

We looked like a bunch of damn geese. It was a very weird period of time.