
New York Times Calls for "Shrill" Critics to Stop "Vilifying" Edward Snowden

BusyMonster1/02/2014 1:03:17 pm PST

re: #38 Amory Blaine

He didn’t blow any fucking whistles. Anyone who hasn’t been asleep for the last ten years knew all this shit was going on.

That has been my rather irritated response to the glorification of dudebro Snowden. I already knew all this shit. I knew about AT&T’s little secret room, we ALL FUCKING KNEW about warrantless wiretaps and so on … the rush to elevate Snowden to some kind of tortured visionary is horseshit. There were plenty of credible, sane, not-self-important prima-donna voices crying foul over the surveillance state in the early 2000’s.

All Snowden has done is focus all this attention on himself, for his own selfish purposes, which I believe he was probably led into by some clever foreign agent who now has a big fat tick mark on his belt for bagging Snowden’s intel.

In other words, I deny not only his Dudebro Prophet catchet, but I believe he has earned far more of a Useful Idiot dunce cap for life, and I think coming months will make this obvious. He was just a fucking tool, and now that his usefulness is over with the only discussion is how the tool will be dispensed of.