
Right Wing Journalism Watch: Breitbart "News" Photoshops Nancy Pelosi's Head on Miley Cyrus

Killgore Trout4/07/2014 2:37:46 pm PDT

Putin’s Attack On East Ukraine Began Today: What This Means For Europe And The US

Ukraine and the West will be confronted with this tragic fait accomplis in the next couple of weeks. It will be too late for the West to do anything other than to babble about enhanced sanctions and warn of further isolation of Russia. The transitional government of Ukraine will have to proceed with a presidential election that excludes its annexed Eastern portions. Putin knows that possession is 99 percent of the law. He has achieved part of his dream. The metallurgical heart of the former Soviet Union has been restored to its rightful place. Now it’s time to turn to Belarus, Moldavia, Georgia, Armenia, and even Kazakhstan.