
In Which Failed Republican Joe Walsh Tweets About VP Biden Having a "Black Friend"

Targetpractice4/17/2014 1:56:47 am PDT

re: #85 goddamnedfrank

I’ve never heard sovereign citizens come down on TLDS welfare moms like those in Warren Jeff’s communities. But they’re all white.

Again, the view of who is a parasite and who is patriotically “bleeding the beast” very much depends on who’s white and who isn’t, who’s urban and who’s rural, who’s “traditional american” and who is the other.

And of course, despite it being years since it was debunked, they still believe in the myth of the “welfare queen,” who’s driving up to the welfare office in a brand new Cadillac and wearing expensive clothes as she sucks the government dry. And if you have to wonder about what race they envision her as, then you’re obviously new to politics.