
Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows

blueraven10/15/2014 12:07:48 pm PDT

re: #60 Decatur Deb

The President’s approval rating is negative 15 points in todays Gallup. This validates the TPGOP’s only belief—that smearing constantly, loudly, and irrationally is effective if maintained for years.

Gotta crowdsource a “Goebbie” award for this.

Gallup poll is ridiculous. One day it is -6, next day -18. I just don’t think opinion moves that fast. Don’t know what their problem is, but their model was bad in 2012 and they don’t seem to have fixed it.

Not that your point isn’t extremely valid…the president’s poll numbers are bad across the board. It is just more steady with other polls.