
Sarah Palin Poses With Another Right Wing "Target Sign" Poster

The Ghost of a Flea1/23/2015 8:05:29 pm PST

re: #40 Dark_Falcon

After Michael Moore called the snipers of America’s armed forces ‘cowards’? Yes, its OK to respond to that with “Fuck You!”. That was my response to his DERP, though I didn’t put in the crosshairs of course.


I think Michael Moore is a moron in general and extra fucking moronic this time around, but for not one fucking second will I sign on with right wing fuckwits cursing him out.

Because I’ve watched thirteen years, three months of wingnuts fetishizing the US soldier in the abstract while treating the individual GI like absolute shit. And this is just another iteration of that corpse-fucking instinct. Instead of the featureless, generic dead soldier-concept they usually trade in, the wingnuts have decide this was the incarnation of their thoughts on war-fighting…and it is just as fucking cynical and self-serving as Moore’s stupidity.

Chris Kyle was a complicated and, frankly, difficult, person. His autobiography testifies to that. Yet even as they’re praising him, wingnuts are re-framing him as yet another bundle of bland tropes on to which they project their virtues. They’re using him even as they’re erasing him, so it is 100% horseshit when they get indignant in his name…except it’s not really in his name, it’s in the cause of the smoothed-edges movie version of him, that they’re going to further process down to an easily-digestable slurry consisting of jingoism and a cocky sense that his skill with a rifle somehow bestows the rest of ‘Murica with borrowed glory.

And it’s shit because it’s specifically used to beat up any veteran that doesn’t fit their soldier concept, to the point that they invent “scandals” such that liberals who served—and decorated—are frauds and traitorous. It’s shit because it’s indignation from people who pooh-poohed issues about stress and trauma until they became blindly, unavoidable service-wide problem. It’s shit because if you crack open their ethos, they still think there’s a correct, manly way of coping with the stress of war and killing, and only pussies feel guilt for killing “the bad guys”…ignoring the second-order “it’s shit”-ness of their clear sense that everybody brown and dead must have been a bad guy.

So no, I’m not going to stand and watch while they jack their indignation-boner in a public place and pretend like it’s mourning.

Necrophiles are not honouring the departed.