
Rachael Price in Paradise: Nobody's Stopping You Now [Acoustic in the Garden]

Hecuba's daughter1/29/2021 8:46:35 pm PST

re: #80 William Lewis

If Maher had them on, that automatically gives them two strikes against them. I would go with the presumption that they’re full of it unless I found significant reason to change my mind.

Bill Maher has his share of objectionable guests (e.g. Ann Coulter, Kellyanne) but he also has interviewed people who are thoughtful and experts on critical topics. Usually I have familiarity with the guest and so can evaluate the merits of the exchange; in this case, they were totally new to me.

re: #77 The Ghost of a Flea

Actual scientist, but sus because he’s “intellectual dark web” and hangs with a bunch of far-right entryist figures…and because he’s hanging with Maher, who’s an authentic antivaxer.

Based on wikipedia, the intellectual dark web (IDW) is infested with people who we would want to avoid: Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, etc. The wiki article also reveals that apparently many of those who watch IDW channels eventually migrate to alt-right channels.