
Adrian Belew & Metropole Orkest - Frame by Frame

lawhawk1/31/2021 5:50:49 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. We’re expecting more than a foot of snow over the next 48-60 hours, so that’ll be fun to deal with as I’ve got a sore elbow thanks to over compensating for my other arm still not 100% from wrist fracture back during the summer. Getting old sucks. I can commiserate with Charles on that…

Speaking of back issues, I used to wake up with all kinds of back pain until we realized our mattress was toast and we got a new one - one of the foam matrresses (a Sealy iComfort), and we’ve slept so much better after that with none of the pain we used to experience. A good mattress is always a bonus and considering we spend 1/3 of our lives in a bed, splurging there makes sense.

Oh, and the news that Trump’s entire impeachment legal team quit? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.



What a fucknut. They quit because they wanted to focus on the constitutionality of the impeachment trial, while Trump wanted to argue that the election was stolen.

Ummm… you’re on trial for inciting an armed insurrection, and you want to argue that you were right to incite an armed insurrection to overthrow the government. That’s good. Good.

Even though the GOP has made it clear that the would never hold Trump accountable for the insurrection, failed coup, or the felony murder of a cop, that Trump wants to keep the focus on his incitement to overthrow the government because he thinks the election win was stolen from him puts more pressure on the GOP - not less.

The constitutionality of the trial is indisputable. The impeachment was conducted while Trump was still in office. There’s no time limit on when the trial is held. The GOP purposefully delayed the trial until after he was out of office, but that doesn’t stop the clock running or the conditions for which Trump was impeached. He did the crimes while in office, he was impeached while in office, and the GOP delayed the trial until after he was out so as to “create an excuse” that it’s not proper to try Trump now that he’s out of office after spending 4 years claiming you can’t indict a sitting president for felony conduct while he was in office. That is the GOP argument for putting a GOP president above the law - while Democrats face completely different rules while they’re in office. #IOKIYAR.

Trump thinks his trial should focus on election fraud. I’m fine with that. Trump engaged in election fraud. We have the proof - conversations, emails, meetings, and phone calls involving Trump, his cronies in the WH and Congress all pressuring state and local officials to throw out votes, rescind certifications, and otherwise disenfranchise millions of voters so that Trump could claim he won despite losing in a landslide.

That’s felony conduct. That’s impeachable conduct too (but his impeachment was for inciting an insurrection) - and we have sufficient proof of that too, dating all the way back to 2017 when he insisted that he wouldn’t honor any election he lost because he’d consider it fraudulent.