
Simply Gorgeous: "The Lakes of Pontchartrain" - Trevor Gordon Hall, Sönke Meinen, and Bjarke Falgren

nines0910/15/2022 4:48:39 pm PDT

re: #76 TarHellion

Long said that hockey is the best game to watch in person. You can see the line shifts, the way the puck is moved about. Took my wife to a Hurricanes game when we first started dating. Got seats near the boards. Within a few minutes, guys were coming at us and crashing into the boards. My wife was absolutely giddy with excitement.

The best seat in the house is just off to the left or right of the visiting goalie and behind the glass enough so if you stood up you would not need a ride to the hospital.
Seen Flyers/Hershey Bears games since 1970.
I always told folks if you were never at a hockey game 3 rows off the ice, you have no idea.
Now the nets are up. But still….
I was at a Philly Flyers game back at the Spectrum in the early 80’s.
It was warmups. Slap shots on the goalie from the blue line.
Just as the PA instructed the crowd to be aware of pucks flying into the stands I watched a NY Ranger crank a slapper into the second level and smack a guy in the head.
Went down like rain.
Security immediately was there and he was rocked.
We figured he got a jacket, jersey, stick, puck and a 4 pack of tix.
Free stitches too.
Hockey fans….