
Texas School Board to Vote on Anti-Evolution Curriculum

gmsc3/23/2009 1:53:55 pm PDT

Time for my standard list of favorite ID/Creationist argument links:

reDiscovery Institute (Parody site)

The Holy Book for Turtles-all-the-way-downism (Thanks, jcm!)

Using creationist/ID arguments against them:
Why We Believe in a Designer!
Organisms that Look Designed
Oolon Colluphid’s Guide to Creation

Talk.Origins archive

Need To Know: Charles Darwin (5 Minute documentary on Charles Darwin)

People involved in spreading Darwin’s discoveries as a philosophy, whom Ben Stein mysteriously neglects to mention:
Ernst Haeckel
William Sumner
Vladmir Ulyanov

Is There An Artifical God? (essay by Douglas Adams)

Get A-Life (essay on using artificial life to study evolution)

Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker (video about a-life)

The Day The Universe Changed - “Fit To Rule” (Episode 8)

More evolution documentaries can be found here, including Evolution, Evolve, Human Evolution, Journey of Man, Origins and Why do people laugh at creationists?.