
National Right to Life Committee Claims Health Bill Would 'Subsidize Abortions' - Bzzzt. False.

Dainn9/22/2009 4:56:19 pm PDT

This is an interesting article. The Baucus bill tries hard to work the language so that the cost of abortion services are extracted from subsidies. Government funds would go to companies in the exchange that fund abortions, but presumably the cost of those abortions would be passed on to the insured. So, yeah the Republicans are barking up the wrong tree here.

The rub will be when the bills are combined. If there is a public option back in the final bill, and that public option pays for abortions, then will the poorest woman on the plan be expected to pay a premium for that service? If not, it’s hard to argue that that is not funding abortions.

Amazing that almost everything in American politics comes down to a Pro-life v. Pro-choice debate. If the Republicans keep this up they will be a third party soon enough. Perhaps they should be.