
Overnight Open Thread

littleugly11/29/2009 5:59:47 am PST

re: #78 son of a son

Where is all the gold so we can go extract it now that we have the technology to do it in a green way.
Make friends, there are a lot of us that are just plain Americans willing to make a profit and share, pay our taxes and if necessary without a revolution have our tremendously successful Companies be called Monopolies..1 2 3 4… just broken up knowing that this will only force them to diverse or go overseas and make other countries strong.
Yankee just today was goading Cato as to Norway GDP as opposed to US GDP.
Of course, NORWAY is just great, but so is OHIO GSP#8, less than half the area, in the middle our country and would also kick Norway’s’ behind at Soccer if they put their minds to it.
Do not look at the other GSPs for our States for you will be ashamed to having brought it up Yankee.

And you are a good guy in my estimation, just do not bang your alma mater.