
Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't 'Significant' Enough to Mention

Cato the Elder4/07/2010 11:45:36 am PDT

In case any Lizards would like to send direct “feedback” (as in, you fed me your shit, here’s mine) to the Right Honorable Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, you can send McDonnel your own little message here.

Or just modify mine. I like the whole “whereas, whereas, whereas…now, therefore” pseudo-official shtick, so I took the trouble to replicate it in my linguoreplicator.

WHEREAS you, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, have seen fit to make a mockery of the true causes of the Civil war with your proclamation declaring it to have been “a four year war between the states for independence” rather than what it was, a war between people and states who believed they had the right to own human beings as chattel property and those that did not; and

WHEREAS my place of residence puts me in the way of frequently visiting the Commonwealth of Virginia; and

WHEREAS my money can easily be spent elsewhere;

NOW, therefore, I, [insert name here] of [insert city and state here], declare that until such time as this nauseating revisionist proclamation is rescinded, I shall not visit, purchase goods from, or support in any way the Commonwealth of Virginia, and will actively work to encourage others to take similar steps.