
The Proudly Ignorant Party

Killgore Trout4/07/2010 1:42:45 pm PDT

Ed Morrisey gets the award for being the first major right wing blogger to discuss Confederate Appreciation Month.

Newly-elected Republican Governor Bob McDonnell reversed eight years of refusals by Democrats to proclaim an official Confederate History Month in the state, which has restarted a debate over slavery, racism, and the kind of associations to states rights issues that the GOP hardly needs at the moment while fighting a federal health-care mandate:

As a history buff myself, I agree that it’s important to study history, but that doesn’t require a Confederacy Appreciation Month, which is what this sounds like. McDonnell could have broadened the perspective to a Civil War History Month, which would have allowed for all of the issues in the nation’s only armed rebellion to be studied. This approach seems needlessly provocative and almost guaranteed to create problems for Republicans in Virginia and across the country. It might have a short term effect of strengthening McDonnell’s attachment to his base, which didn’t appear to be threatened at all in the first place.

What do you think? Take the poll:

Readers are divided pretty equally on the issue. Lots of support for “White Culture” in the comments.