
Orrin Hatch: Drug Tests for the Unemployed

TampaKnight6/17/2010 2:53:41 pm PDT

re: #85 soap_man

I don’t have an argument against drug tests if there is reason to suspect an employee is on drugs. If I’m an addict, a boss will be able to notice something is up because it will effect my work. If my performance is strong, then why the hell do they care what I do or don’t do on the weekend? Obviously, a person who does drugs but maintains a strong work performance is not showing up high to work.

In the end, what matters is my productivity. If it is strong, then my personal life is none of their concern. They don’t own me. I just work for them.

(For the record, I don’t do any kinds of drugs. Not since college, and then it was only pot occasionally. This is more of a ethical stance.)

Some businesses don’t drug test.

You’re more than free to reject an offer and move on to such a business.