
TN Lt. Gov. Ramsey: Religious Freedom Doesn't Apply to Muslims

Randall Gross7/26/2010 12:11:15 pm PDT
Ramsey is essentially parroting the un-American ideas of Dutch far right ideologue Geert Wilders, who also calls Islam a “cult” that does not deserve legal status as a religion. That bad old European ethnic/religious hatred is spreading to the US

That’s so right it’s Eggs Ackley right.

It’s the old Europe that favors Xenophobia and tribal nationalism. It’s UnAmerican to let your momentary pangs of xenophobia against those who are different control your life, on the other hand it’s very Elder European to let class/race/religion control all aspects of life. Sucks to be them and we sure as hell don’t want to become them here. (Are you freaking listening Rush, Glen, Newt?)