
Sarah Palin Defends the Right to Use the N Word

What, me worry?8/18/2010 6:51:22 pm PDT

re: #83 Rightwingconspirator

Why do we not hold comedy and music talent to the same standard as talk radio personalities? They also have large audiences. Record labels to answer to, etc. I’m not saying Laura had the right to say it, I’m saying we are still far too tolerant of it from comedians (with one exception) and countless musicians. They get little or no trouble from it.

I don’t know any comedians who use the N word, Black or White. Can you name one? Michael Richards won’t use it again.

It’s NOT ok for anyone to say that word, and I don’t care your skin color. The attempt to take the sting out of it hasn’t worked because if it had, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

I have many Black friends and none of them, not a one, say that word to each other or about themselves.