
Changelog: On Torture

Amory Blaine11/04/2010 2:11:46 pm PDT

re: #10 Obdicut

I can’t.

In order for the ticking bomb scenario to work out, we’d have to

A) Have the right person and be certain we had the right person, the one with the information

B) Somehow be certain that he’s told us the actual necessary information.

Say we have a bomb with three wires. We have a guy, that we have on camera as having planted the bomb. We ask him which wire to cut. He says blue. We torture him for awhile. He says red. We torture him for awhile longer. He says green.

Which one do we cut?

People will give whatever answer they can to get out of torture. It may be the right answer. But unless we already know what that answer is, how can we be certain we’ve gotten the right one?

Some people watch way too much fucking TV.