
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Rightwingconspirator11/09/2010 3:27:19 pm PST

re: #75 Killgore Trout
I guess I am a advocate for less intrusive administration. Not that I want to repeal social security or medicare or major programs. But, I really do object to this kind of menu micromanagement. Schools can carry whatever they want for healthy lunches. But nobody gets to legislate that diet onto the populace 24/7.

The parents that would make a Happy meal and toys the occasional treat (maybe after working late) sure got screwed. I call that “feel good electioneering”. An involuntary contribution by McDonald’s to some local hacks re-election. The major “product” if you will from local politicians is new laws. If the do not produce, they lose elections to those who do. Allriding the “public good” train.

What’s next a prohibition of soft drinks because they contribute to obesity? That would be ironic, given that prohibition put them on the map.