
When Dim Bulbs Attack (or, A Confederacy of Dunces)

SanFranciscoZionist1/16/2011 10:51:31 am PST

re: #19 mr.fusion

I think that’s a little harsh.

I’d say the think a random citizen verbally threatening that Tea Party leader is exactly the same as the leaders of the ideological movement placing crosshairs over certain districts with the names of their targets. They think it’s exactly the same as a member of Congress claiming that the Obama Administration is a larger threat to America than Al Qada, or that the administration is trying to destroy America on purpose so they can usher in some type of tyrannical dictatorship.

The difference is, Eric Fuller doesn’t speak for me or anyone else. Sarah Palin, Alan West, Virginia Foxx…these people speak for millions of Americans, and for an entire party.

That’s the key issue here, that people have been trying to dodge. There are right- and left-wing crazies on every corner. The issue is the rhetoric of crazy people coming from folks with a platform, an audience, and access to money and power.