
Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Circus in Full Nuclear Meltdown

ausador7/01/2011 1:13:05 pm PDT

re: #76 000G

For reference, this is what you said:

You say most Christianity is anti-judaic in the sense that they want Jews to be perfected – i.e. not accept them as Jews – and that if Christians accept Jesus as Lord they have to be that way – making the conclusion inevitable that those Christians who accept Jews as Jews are somehow in violation to their own core principles (a conclusion, btw, that i do not agree with because I think the premises are false, but that’s another issue). You say you do not understand Christianity – but then how can you say what they have to be like?

What she said was absolutely correct, when it comes to evangelical Protestants and the Baptist Conference, which together make up the majority of Christians in this Country. They both say so explicitly and are not ashamed of it.

Perhaps you belong to a less strident sect, after all there are now over 1000 practicing sects of Christianity in the United States. Still what she describes is actually the official majority Christian opinion within this country. Clean the mote from your eye before attempting to remove the beam from another’s eye. ;P