
Tech Note: Expiration Dates for LGF Polls

Atlas Fails9/09/2011 5:51:45 pm PDT

re: #84 HappyWarrior

I confess to being sensitive to Nazi comparisons. I hate that more than anything else in politics. It shows not just historical ignorance but a complete ignorance of what the victims of Nazi atrocities went through. I don’t believe one side to be any more guilty than the other on it.

That’s one of the things that turned me off to the anti-war movement when Bush was in office. Loons like Code Pink and the aging hippies of really grated on me with their Bush-Hitler comparisons. Sure, I supported many of the principles they espoused, but any political movement that allows itself to be taken over by fanatics (the pro-life movement has this same problem) is one that I try to avoid.