
Bad Lip Reading: Rick Santorum Remix

austin_blue2/02/2012 6:46:01 pm PST

re: #86 freetoken

My own personal view is that the Fordham study itself is flawed, as it carries forward uncritically a very serious flaw behind the whole approach of state “standards” for specific subjects.

That is, bright, curious, and world changing children are not the product of a “standards” process. They just aren’t.

Indeed, I am highly skeptical of the current push on STEM and related educational standards - I believe the push is a compensation mechanism by those who feel insecure for one reason or another.

All children are born curious about the world around them. Just let each one find their own path. Few will take the path to become researchers, mainly because it is long and not as well rewarding ($) as many other professions. Others may have the interest but the opportunity escaped them due to family problems.

For whatever reason, only a small slice of any population will make a significant contribution to knowledge about the universe around us, and maybe that is the only way our society can function.


Standardized Testing Evaluation Methods?