
The Right Wing's Phony Freak-Out Over Joe Biden's 'Chains' Remark

mr.fusion8/16/2012 11:59:13 am PDT

re: #35 Talking Point Detective

Has to be one of the funniest quotes. Ever.

Ok. So, (1) he expects anyone to believe that after years of calls to see his returns, he only recently went back to look and see how much he paid, (2) running for president on a platform related to tax reform, he wouldn’t have a good rough sense of how much he had paid, (3) “less than 13 percent” is something he thinks will win him votes, (4) anyone buys the argument that charity has some direct implication to how much he pays in taxes?

This is the best that Republicans could do? Really?

I think this is pretty much an admission that he paid higher taxes under the Bush presidency than he has under Obama….which pretty much explodes the whole “Obama hates rich people and has raised their taxes” myth