
Eric Cantor: Labor Day Celebrates Business Owners (What!)

The Ghost of a Flea9/03/2012 12:33:07 pm PDT

re: #65 Iwouldprefernotto

Not sure how much worse it is. Crazies went on and on how Clinton (Hilary or Bill) has Vince Foster murdered.

The narrative there was that the Clintons were crooks.

It was nutty, but there was a coherence to it.

The stuff thrown at Obama…even if you constrain yourself to the stuff said by GOP figures…makes even less sense. Conspiracies that start before he born, intellectual influences from the father he barely knew and/or people he met briefly, questioning of his avowed faith.

If Hillary had won the nomination and/or the presidency, I’m sure there would have been a lot of ugliness thrown her way. But the choice has consistently been made to present Obama as “other” and “not American.”

Then again, maybe it’s not an index of anything about Obama. Maybe the GOP is just being that much more screechy and apocalyptic because the paranoid style in politics requires escalation of threat to maintain intensity.