
The White House is Not 'Cutting Off Criticism'

iceweasel5/31/2009 5:14:10 am PDT

re: #879 SixDegrees

So, this raises the question - is it possible for Geller to form a complete, semi-accurate sentence? I mean, damn - this is downright painful to read, not because of the barely discernible content, but because of all the spelling and grammatical mistakes.

i don’t think it is. She needs a dictionary, a thesaurus, a full-time editor. Failing that, you’d think she could at least learn how to use spell-check.

And that’s just to start. I think she needs psychiatric help. I’m not being cruel or hyperbolic. I think she’s disturbed.

Another thought: Geller doesn’t seem to get much traffic (not surprising at all); I’m beginning to suspect that most of that traffic is coming from people over here, alerted by Charles, who then go over to gawk.

I can tell you that Geller also gets tons of traffic (and has done for YEARS) from the lefty blogs. She’s a regular target singled out for mockery and derision. To take but one example of a single referrer that would drive a lot of traffic: James Wollcott at Vanity Fair regularly singles her out for mockery. Wollcott doesn’t even allow comments at his blog, but he stopped linking PG when he talks about her not because he didn’t want to send her traffic, but because of the sheer volume of the hatemail he gets when he mentions and links her. I’ve no idea what PG’s stats are, but we can’t infer from her comment section how many “true believers” she has. The volume of JW’s hatemail, the fact that he doesn’t even allow comments—all this suggests that Pammy has many readers who are hardcore true believers. They may not comment on her, but they mobilise for her.

I think Charles is right to report on Geller’s odious associations and rants, but he always provides more than enough context in his own posts to make an actual visit to her site unnecessary. I’d suggest staying the hell away and not getting that stink directly on yourself. Geller is the ultimate example of an attention whore who hovers over her hit statistics on an hourly basis. Limiting her traffic to the five or six fascist wannabees who frequent her site will accomplish more than any number of rational appeals.

Geller is an attention whore, for sure, but I don’t think she’s saying what she does purely for her hits. I think she’s crazy and believes the disgusting stuff she spews.

I also think it’s important to document falsehood and craziness when it occurs.