
Overnight Open Thread

Last Mohican2/21/2009 8:35:12 am PST

re: #863 Teacake!

pingjocky, I think his website is

That is correct. But don’t link to it here, Charles won’t like it. And I don’t recommend going there yourself unless you’re prepared for a nice long mind-cleansing afterwards. I hadn’t visited the site since the election, so I just went over to see what Jones is ranting about these days. Here’s a comment I found:

This country was FOUNDED by WHITE, ENGLISH-SPEAKING people! You think the slaughter of a few Indians was bad? It was way less than the 60 million WHITE Russians, Germans, Austrians, and Polish killed by jews after WW2. The Indians are alright, but face it, they didn’t build this country. They would still be wearing hides and using a bow and arrow to catch rabbits to eat if it wasn’t for all the things ENGLISH-SPEAKING Patriots have invented and built to make life easier.

Don’t diss on Ron Paul! You actually think this melting pot crap has been good for America? Look at all the crime going on by these people who have come here from Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, ect. Look at the gangs these people have created to commit crimes all over the place.