
Friday Night Jazz: Michael Brecker, 'Round Midnight'

Afrocity3/27/2009 10:09:33 pm PDT

re: #869 funky chicken

Bummer. Every person really does react to these medications so differently. It’s quite fascinating. It’s that variability that leads to controversies like the one over whether Prozac is the right med for anxiety/panic/depressive disorder or not….it wouldn’t hurt to go up to the 40 mg/day dose to see if it helps. If it doesn’t, you just reduce back to 30.

It sounds like you have a good doc who is willing to work with you, which is great!

Doc to Afrocity: “you say you need 20 more MGM okay sure, you bet”

I have tried to say to them that I want off the meds. I tried to quit Prozac. I lasted 2 weeks and the attacks came back full blown (emergency room status). I have a great book called “Power Over Panic”. I should revisit it.