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Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 9:00:51 pm PDT

re: #870 Cato the Elder

Excuse me. I made an joke apropos her “joke”, and got jumped for it by the usual suspects. Things went from there.

When Mandy goes into Tourette’s mode, I’m going to comment on it. If other people want to join the fray, I shall henceforth ignore them.

Cato. I am not your foe and I am certainly not trying to tell you to do anything. I am requesting that you only shoot if shot at.

I am not joining a fray.

I did not care for the spotted owl comment either. I found it obnoxious and ignorant. I would have even said something scientific about that except you made it personal before I could say anything.

I understand the whole pile on mentality that obtains here at times - I have been on the bottom of many. However even those who detest me here tend to at least grudgingly admit that I rarely start out picking a fight.

I ask that you do the same.