
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

Pabloanno2/19/2009 4:13:52 pm PST

re: #873 Jimmah

For anyone who cares or is following this. And not really in reply to Jimmah cause I’m done talking to him.

Jimmah is being disingenuous.

Jimmah used American Taliban unapologetically and even claimed it was a useful epithet to describe the religious right. Jimmah, himself claimed that. Not even me or anyone else. Jimmah following me around and demanding proof of something that I claimed he said when he repeatedly say it is disingenuous, at best. Also, I wonder why I’m the one of the many people who took Jimma to task on that whom he’s asking for proof from? Is it because I’m new and shouldn’t dare to disagree with him? or point out his stating an absurdity as fact?

If you hadn’t lost this round you wouldn’t be hoping I’d be banned. You’d be hoping I stick around for you to kick some more, you know for fun.