
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

ClaudeMonet8/23/2010 12:32:15 am PDT

re: #872 Spare O’Lake

25 blocks would probably work for most.

It wouldn’t work for ALL of the opponents, and just like their PC counterparts, everything must be agreeable to everyone or no one is allowed to do/say anything. Of course, in the case of the anti-Park51 folks, that means everyone must agree with THEM.

Much of the point of building this community center is that it is for those who live or work in the COMMUNITY. Twenty-five blocks away is not in the community IMO.

A few blocks farther away may have been acceptable to the Imam and his folks, but this particular building was available two blocks away. When you can get a good piece of suitable real estate relatively cheaply, you do it. It’s not like here in Ohio, where you can find all kinds of vacant land for your needs.