
Anti-Abortion Activist: 'Abortions Should Be Done in the Public Square'

tcskeptic9/21/2009 11:59:16 pm PDT

re: #857 Ian MacGregor

If you really truly believe that an embryo is very much human, then an abortion clinic is the exact equivalent of a place that you could go drop off an unwanted two year old and have their legs and arms suctioned off and the remainder stuck in a bio-hazard bag and thrown out in the garbage. If that is in fact what you believe it strikes me that you must either be a) Taking a momentary pause between blowing up clinics and planning violent insurrection against the US government to post your opinion here or; b) a pacifist, who, constrained by the moral stricture against violence spends his or her days and hours focused on peacefully eliminating at all costs, even personal poverty, as many abortions as possible; c) A a coward without the courage of their convictions.

Or do you think maybe that you don’t actually believe that fetuses are very much human, that they are in fact something substantially less? And that even if abortion is really really bad, it is not quite the same thing as murder?