
Overnight Open Thread

MJ3/09/2009 8:03:16 am PDT

Obama Administration throws Lebanon and Israel under the bus re: Syria and it’s support for terrorism:

( Question from Reporter)- The second question is, without asking you to delve into any of the details of your conversations today: first, if you could give us a sense of your itinerary going forward; and secondly, we must bear in mind that these are discussions you’re having with representatives of a country that is still on the State Department’s list of nations that sponsor terrorism, and I wonder if you could, again, without delving into the areas that you specifically discussed, give us a sense of how actively you believe the Syrian Government is still engaged in terrorist activities in and out of the region. Thank you….

….In terms of Syria, FTO, et cetera, as I said, we’ve got concerns with Syria, I’m sure Syria has concerns with us. Today was an opportunity to start to raise some of these concerns with each other directly, in addition to the dialogue that takes place already between our embassies and officials in capitals. You know, the reason why Syria is on that list is because Syria is playing host to some organizations like Hamas, you know, and we believe that Syria is supporting groups like Hezbollah. I think everyone knows why Syria is on that list.

But you know, my job today was not finger pointing per se….

In other words, the US no longer gives a shit about Syria’s support of Hamas and Syria’s role in undermining Lebanese territorial integrity and it’s support of Hezbollah.
The most important thing is that we have PEACE, according to Obama.