
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Wendya9/07/2009 8:00:22 pm PDT

re: #827 Coracle

Cleanest my ass. And yes, I do snipe. They are cutting off their own futures and ours for their 30 month - or shorter - bottom lines. Exxon/BP/You name it, they should be the ones building the solar farms in NV and AZ. They should be the ones siting wind farms east of the rockies. But they’ve decided to go the other way instead.

If there was money to be made in solar and wind farms, you can bet your ass they’d be leading the way. They are, after all in the profit business. Instead, anyone interested in alternatives is going to spend years and a ton of money defending their interests in lawsuits filed by supposed “green” advocates who don’t give a shit about the environment and are only concerned about their political agenda.

For example, we have a company that wanted to put up a wind farm out in the middle of nowhere in one of the few areas in my state that can provide the level of winds needed. You’d think the left wing greenies that inhabit my county would be thrilled to death but no… they fought it tooth and nail. You see, it’s surrounded by BLM and state lands and they don’t want the view marred when they drive their SUVs out to the sticks to gape at the sage brush. The so-called environmental groups led the charge to have the project killed.