
CPAC Live Video 1

Walter L. Newton2/26/2009 10:59:14 pm PST

re: #880 Afrocity

Walter there are fellowships you can apply for. You could have applied for the one i just offered the only catch is that you have to do some of your research in Chicago. We would have called you an “artist in residence” meaning you are fine at your craft but w/o the letters after your name. We fought hard to get money for those like you. The Phd’s did not like it but my team felt that everyone does not take the same path to achieve their goals as an artist.

I think you missed my point. I’m not interested in being “commissioned” or support by those funds.

If I have something to say on paper, in hopes that it will eventually be said on stage, I can write it myself, research it myself and promote it myself.

If the product is good enough, then at some point there will be a producer that will pick it up.

There’s to much politics the moment one takes money from certain sources.

And in general, many of the “writers” I meet look down on me because I’ve done so much of this on my own, without all the alphabet after my name.

Did I clarify it for you?