
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

iceweasel7/06/2009 1:44:03 am PDT

re: #888 SixDegrees

You are, of course, completely right in everything you say about the GOP and the path back to power.

You are also the first person to say this:

Badgering someone over their last vote - especially when their position isn’t even known - is not, however, a winning strategy. It’s as effective as screeching “RINO!” at anyone who drifts even a hair’s breadth from some proscribed, artificial party dogma that exists solely in the mind of the screecher - which is to say, not at all. It tends to drive erstwhile supporters into the arms of the opposition.

If this is the approach we’re going to take, then we need to get used to sitting on the sidelines, watching our minority in all branches of government dwindle further and further.

You’re the first person to recognise why I’m taking pleasure in refusing to say who I voted for, and to spot the larger point I’ve been making by so refusing.