
Images: Edward Snowden Modeling Shoot Found

simoom6/12/2013 5:50:16 pm PDT

re: #390 Charles Johnson

Turned on Chris Hayes, I think maybe for the last time. He had Greenwald on and was completely uncritical about every claim he’s made, even the ones that are now known to be false.

Yeah, it was generally a terrible interview, but, even though I was only half watching it, I think there was one bit worth a second look. As I said, my attention was divided, but I’m pretty sure I heard Greenwald waffling around on the “direct access” question, and even fell back on something akin to his having accurately reported on what the PPT slides said. It may be worth looking more closely at that one answer when the transcript comes out, because it isn’t just the validity of the PPT slides in question here, it’s Snowden’s credibility as well. One of his most fantastical claims had to do w/ real-time direct access: “They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type.”