
Snowden Reveals More Secret Documents to Pro-Beijing Hong Kong Paper

Dark_Falcon6/22/2013 5:24:05 pm PDT

re: #84 A Mom Anon

So it worked.

So is it time to investigate Booz Allen Hamilton yet? And is it time to maybe start looking at eliminating these damned contractors from everything, paying civil servants a little more and maybe stop trying to tear the government to pieces?

Snowden’s a little weasel, but he had help, a fair amount of it. Besides that idiot Greenwald. I’d like to know who.

Not unless you think BAH did something wrong that they knew or should have known was wrong. They got fucked by Snowden, don’t think they didn’t. They’ll have to reorg a good bit of their intell section due to the certainty that it has been compromised.

What went wrong should be looked into, but more in the way the US Army looked into Bradley Manning’s leak to Assange.