
New Quinnipiac Poll: Most Americans Think Snowden "More of a Whistleblower," but Still Want Him Prosecuted

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/15/2014 11:27:05 am PST

re: #76 jaunte

It’s pretty silly of Sirota to think the country was ready for single payer if only the President advocated for it.

I kept getting emails from Jane Hampster (sic) about how we had to defeat Obamacare because it wasn’t single payer. I really hate that moron.

I would prefer single payer. Most people I know would prefer it. But it not only wasn’t on the table, it wasn’t in the ballpark, the city or the county. Lieberman said he would not vote yes if it was.,,which means Obamacare would have failed.

No stopping rescissions.
No removal of preexisting conditions.
No kids on parents policies.
None of the things people like.

It must be nice to refuse to look at how other countries (like Canada) came to have single payer. It wasn’t a one-and-done. It started in one province and worked its way out.

I find people who wear rose colored glasses so annoying…especially those with a platform to spew such ignorance.