
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

Ming3/09/2014 2:06:58 pm PDT

re: #76 HappyWarrior

I admire your grandfather’s generosity.

The way Palin talks about her son with Downs, he seems like a political prop, period. The story she told about his birth (this is HER story) is remarkable. She gave a political speech in Texas, then flew from Texas to Alaska, then took a second, local flight to an Alaska hospital, all this after her water broke?

It’s funny, but that’s actually the opposite of the Mama Grizzly meme. It’s awesome, how dedicated human and animal Moms (and Dads) are to protecting their children. It takes a serious dysfunction, such as mental illness, for a Mom to give a political speech, then fly thousands of miles, when every bone in her body should be focused on her baby. Palin is actually the anti-Mama Grizzly.

It’s easy to not realize that not all crazy people are in mental hospitals. Some of them walk among us. And one of them got 46% of the vote as a potential Commander In Chief.