
Was Edward Snowden Covered by the IC Whistleblowers Act? Yes, He Was.

Killgore Trout7/13/2014 7:16:04 am PDT

re: #84 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

I’ve seen those anti-Israel … ahem … gatherings in Europe. Not a pretty sight.

But I imagine they’re useful for security agencies to identify some of the more radical participants who might have other plans. I looked around for video of the incident in Frankfurt but didn’t find anything. But I did find this posted yesterday on the Al Aqsa youtube channel.

كتائب الاقصى لواء العامودي تدك المغتصبات الصهيونية بالصواريخ

Rocket launch from a cute little cart from a busy urban street. Looking at the other videos it looks like they’ve mostly given up launching from metal tripod launchers. Mostly just dirt ramps.